Rocking Circle P

Rocking Circle P is my small farm in Northeastern rural Utah. We're a small fruit, nut and fiber farm.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Update on Ron's Socks

I haven't posted on Ron's socks for a while and thought you might be interested as to why. That same little 4 month old Chihuahua loves to chew on things. See the nice stick in the middle of the was a double pointed needle. This is the second time he has made out with them. The first time, I was able to use sand paper and smooth out the teeth marks.

Even this morning, after I took the picture, I put the stitches back on the 2 needles he pulled out, while I was getting ready for work, I looked over on my bed and there he was with one of the needles. He pulled it out again. I spanked his little hinny this morning. Caught right in the act of being a bad boy.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Grandma gets pictures of Tegan. Oh.....He's a cutie. I think we better keep him. I know I'm prejudice, but he is so darn handsome.

More Babies

Can goats have babies anytime besides just before dark?

Last of the baby kids were born. Silver had twins. One looks like the daddy and one like the momma. But the little white one was rejected by the momma. I think he was in the sack too long and inhaled gunck. Well, he went to the vet and got some medicine and I'm trying to nurse him to health. I don't know how good of a goat momma I'll make.

But my little 4 month old male Chihuahua is trying awfully hard.

Here's a sad update. I lost the little white goat on Friday, April 14th.
I guess I'm not a very good momma goat.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Three babies in one week. That took a lot out of me and I just sat there and worried. Didn't do a thing, not one contraction did I have. Here is Goldie's new baby. She was really mauve or dusty rose colored when she was born, so I've named her Rose.

She was born about 1 hour before dark on Saturday, April 1, my April Fools baby. It was a rotten day to be born, the wind was blowing cold and we had hail, snow and rain earlier that day. Poor baby was so cold. I helped Momma dry her off so she could get warmed up and put a lamp on for them.

First exploration, the little rat got through too.