Rocking Circle P

Rocking Circle P is my small farm in Northeastern rural Utah. We're a small fruit, nut and fiber farm.

Monday, July 08, 2019


Made a quick trip back East to visit family. This young man is my youngest Grandson Tegan. He is quite a musician for his young years. He found a new part of himself when he discovered Uncle Joe's hat collection. Uncle Joe called him young Elton.

Still working on my twined denim rug for the Two Ewes (K)not Along. Getting closer, but I really thought I would have it done by now. I guess I don't work as quickly as I think I do.  Drats! 
Do you know how many times I have taken out the twined row or two to fix a mistake......more than I care to mention.

Sure can tell I'm a country girl, with the dirt, weeds and bucket.

I have finally spun all the peach fiber. Hooray! 
Now I get to ply it. I plan to do it on my spinning wheel. I have better rhythm on the wheel when plying yarn. The plan is to do a Navajo 3 ply. 


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