Rocking Circle P

Rocking Circle P is my small farm in Northeastern rural Utah. We're a small fruit, nut and fiber farm.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New 2009 Babies!!

Well Ole McPeggy's farm is at it again. Grace, my cashmere goat, was first with a new little doeling on May 16, 2009. We've named the baby Miracle. Grace is a first time momma and it was not an easy delivery. OUCH! Good size baby for a 1st time momma.

This morning I walked out to check on Mocha, one of my Shetland ewes to find 2 new babies. One of each. A little sugar lipped ewe and a little black ram.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May Marches On!

I'm so happy. I've completed a UFO (unfinished object).............Now I have a FO (finished object). Back in the early 1980's my older 13-14 year old daughter wanted to make a wall hanging/rug for her little brother for Christmas. He was around 3 years old as I recall. We purchased a latch hook project of Garfield the cat for her to make for him. She started it and worked on it pretty good.....Christmas came and went. Well I finished it today. What's kind of special now is that 3 generations have worked on this rug. Myself, my daughter and son, and the youngest boy who was to be the recipient, when he was around 10 -12, and now..... his daughter who is 10 years old. It was fun, but it's feels so good to have the project completed. It will be placed in my spare bedroom which his two girls occupy when they are at Grandma's house.

Now it's time to turn toward the critters on the farm and get everyone sheared. First sheared this year was Gracie, my new cashmere goat, but I'm not sure she kept her pregnancy or I'm off on when she is really due. Next and very soon will be Mocha, sweet little Shetland moorit ewe. I believe she will birth next and I need to get her prepared.