Rocking Circle P

Rocking Circle P is my small farm in Northeastern rural Utah. We're a small fruit, nut and fiber farm.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I'm just too busy. I'm taking two master classes and they are keeping me hooping. I don't have time to do much of anything, but read. I have a report due tomorrow and I still am reading the material. Gosh, do this while you are young. I'm going to try and write more in my blog. I've been very poor at it recently.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sewing Conference

Besides doing all the reading and homework of these classes, I volunteered to teach a hairpin lace class for our local Sewing Conference. WOW, it's been a long time since I did any hairpin lace, but I finally remembered and I think the class went off ok. Not great, but ok. It was a smaller class and that was good for me. This is the scarf I tried to teach them to make. It's really quite pretty. Teaching really is a talent and I think my talent either left or is so very rusty, I really had to work at it. It was nice to do a few crafty things for a little while. Well, back to the books.