I'm going to get this down, even if it makes me totally crazy. I love socks and making socks. So here is my newest effort at some socks. This is an EFG (extra fine guage) or FG (fine guage) loom from Decor Accents, can't remember which. http://www.decoraccentsinc.com They make the best looms. This particular yarn is my own handspun. I've got to get some little rubberbands to mark the K2P2 so I don't have to count all the time. It's coming along nicely, but you can't tell what size it is going to fit. Purling around the corners is a bit of a challenge, but I'm developing a technique. I found some nice patterns for a remake of Ron's socks. I'll be starting those again very soon. Oh, I also bought some yarn and pattern from Knit Picks www.knitpicks.com to make a really cool aran sweater for someone special. sssshhhhhh......don't tell.