Wednesday, March 29, 2006
2 Down and 4 more to go!
Young Master Tegan Reese Gerald Payne entered his life on this day, March 29, 2006 at 2:12 am, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces and 18 1/2 inches tall. They ended up having to do a c-section, but Mom and babe are doing well. No pictures yet, so I thought I would put up the progress of his blanket. Grandma needs to get speedy fingers to finish it. The blanket is done in panels. Panel one is complete and I'm about to start the hearts of panel 2. There will be six panels total. That table does nothing for the color. It's actually a pretty baby blue

Monday, March 27, 2006
One Down Five to Go!

Well surprise, surprise. Spring time begins at Rocking Circle P. We got a baby this morning. I think about 2 weeks early, but seems to be doing fine. That leaves 2 horses, 2 does, and Laura (daughter-in-law).

Well surprise, surprise. Spring time begins at Rocking Circle P. We got a baby this morning. I think about 2 weeks early, but seems to be doing fine. That leaves 2 horses, 2 does, and Laura (daughter-in-law).
This is a Three Generation Shot. Great Grandma, not pictured, deceased at age of 29, Kelly Girl was a Palomino. Grulla is her daughter, Mariah's Wind, Palomino Paint is her daughter, Bristol Breeze, and now the newest filly, for now Pretty Girl.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
WOW.....This is a Beautiful Spring Morning
I really like Spring. It smells fresh and new. I've been sick with some sort of bronchial thing that made me feel like I had asthma (which I don't have). I can finally smell and taste again, and I'm really hungry. All good healing signs.

Here is what I haven't been working on. I purchased this yarn to make my newest little, soon to be born, grandson a blanket. Tegan Reese is suppose to be his name, but I'm not sure I am spelling everything right. I must get going on this blanket, he'll be here soon.
The brown fiber is from the Winter Retreat. This was the long hairy looking fiber. It spun up like a charm and I really wish I knew more about it. The raglan is the black fiber and my mohair plied together. Made one of these earlier, but it went to my sister. This one is mine.
I really like Spring. It smells fresh and new. I've been sick with some sort of bronchial thing that made me feel like I had asthma (which I don't have). I can finally smell and taste again, and I'm really hungry. All good healing signs.

Here is what I haven't been working on. I purchased this yarn to make my newest little, soon to be born, grandson a blanket. Tegan Reese is suppose to be his name, but I'm not sure I am spelling everything right. I must get going on this blanket, he'll be here soon.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Spinning On
Winter is almost over, I thought. We received another inch of snow last night and some rain too. My 400 foot driveway was slick and slippery this morning, but we made it out. I've been spinning some lovely fiber from Spinderella's of Salt Lake City. It's colorway is called "Smilin at Me". It's a very pretty color I think. Almost wish I had more to make a vest out of. It's a variety of fibers, all of which I'm not sure what they are, but there is some angelina, and silk in it for sure, and of course wool.

Monday, March 06, 2006
WOOOOHOOO! It's fixed. My blog went nuts for a while. The Navbar moved down and into it's own little box. Here is the fix. I picked the same template and republished it. Only after I printed off 44 pages of source code and tried to compare them to find the error. What was I thinking????? Oh well, I'm happy!
Ok....I was happy, now I see that choosing the new template, even though it was the same template caused me to loose my side bars "Blogs I Follow" and the buttons to the other blogs. Drats......I will have to redo.
Ok....I was happy, now I see that choosing the new template, even though it was the same template caused me to loose my side bars "Blogs I Follow" and the buttons to the other blogs. Drats......I will have to redo.