Rocking Circle P

Rocking Circle P is my small farm in Northeastern rural Utah. We're a small fruit, nut and fiber farm.

Monday, September 26, 2005

What Kind of Sock Are You?

WOW.......I'm beautiful!

brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, September 25, 2005


My last attempt at a purse came out........a little different than I expected. I thought with a pattern in hand and fiber for that pattern, that I might have a better outcome. Here is an "Oregon Tote". The green is dark and rich. I like it. Shhhhhh.....this is probably going to be someone's Christmas present. I won't tell we don't spoil the surprise.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Whatcha Been Do'in?

Well for me, the retreat allowed me to start spinning this fiber. It's a purchased fiber from Spinderella's in Salt Lake City. The color way is called "Praise". I just love the way this was spinning up. Although, I believe it is spinning up thicker than I normally spin. This could work out ok, fore my dear friend saw it and decided she had to have socks out of it. I won't argue the point. However, I think I may present her with the yarn and teach her how to knit instead.

Navajo Plying

The Spinning Retreat last weekend was wonderful. I learned how to navajo ply. It makes a really thick yarn, probably comparable to bulky weight yarn. Here are the two yarns I plyed. The one is a dark purple and does not show up very well. I'm going to have to find a better place to take the pictures, one with better lighting.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Fall Retreat

My local spinning guild is having their Fall Retreat this coming weekend, September 15, 16, 17th. I really am excited to go. I really enjoy the people and I'm going to learn how to navajo ply. So I had to spin this fiber to learn on. It was suggested that the best ply for a varigated yarn was the navajo ply and I don't know how to do it. Since I seem to be attracted to the varigated fleeces, I better learn how to ply them properly. This is two bobbins of Fall Squall, (the name of the color way), that I have worked up. I'm not sure the pictures are very clear, but one of them has brighter colors and darker browns. I really like this one and have decided to make a pair of socks out of it. The other bobbin I will learn to ply with. It hasn't told me what it wants to be yet, so I guess we'll see what it says after it has been navajo plyed.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Where does Time Fly?

Truly, I am a BAD blogger. It has been way too long between posts on this blog. I have been busy on a few projects, but not posting anything. Here are a few of the projects I have been working on.

Birthday socks for my son, Matt. You can see that I still need to close the toes with the kitchner stitch. I also plan to present to him a pair of the socks made by my Grandmother for her son, my Father. This is where I have inherited my desire to make socks from. Thanks Grandma!
Hopefully, it will pass down to several of my grandchildren, boys and girls alike.