Rocking Circle P

Rocking Circle P is my small farm in Northeastern rural Utah. We're a small fruit, nut and fiber farm.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Some Days Just Suck!

The Last Few Januarys just have been so hard on me.

January 2, 2021 I lost my Sweet Little Mick-a-Mouse. Mick was the best dog and we were so bonded.

January 4, 2021 I lost my Sweet Little Cocoa Puff. Cocoa was a really sweet dog.

They spent the majority of their lives together so I buried them together.

November 2021 I lost my goat Rose. Rose was the 1st goat baby born on my farm on April 6th, 2006. She had a long goat life.

January 2022 Ivory decided she needed to cross over the Rainbow bridge. Ivory was the sweetest little angora goat.  I would take her to all the elementary schools on farm day because she loved to be loved by the kids.  Shearing day.

January 2022 I lost Sargent my Border Collie. Sargent was a rescue dog I found him running the streets in 2010. I had no idea how old he was at the time, but he was with me for about 11 years.

Today, January 27th, 2022 I Lost my mare.  The lovely Mariah's Wind. She was born March 11, 1993

First picture shows her spirit. My Granddaughter riding Mariah in 4-H.

She was a beautiful Grulla Buckskin by color and an Arabian Quarterhorse mix.