I have continued to work on the knee high socks for my Granddaughter. I am past the gusset on both socks, and working on the foot. One sock foot is about 5 1/2 inches long.
I was suppose to have these socks completed by December 29, 2018. Obviously, that did not happen. Hopefully in February.

My Fiber Outlaws group just had their Winter retreat on January 17, 18, and 19. That is always so much fun. I truly enjoy the ladies of the group and gathering to spin, knit, crochet , and do whatever you want to do with fiber or yarn, or string. Here is what I got at the retreat off of the prize table. Homemade scrubbies (yeah!), new peach fiber to spin, two skeins of sock yarn, new needles and a cable needle, a new project bag, a couple of patterns, and a yarn organizer. Lots of good stuff.