VACATION TIME!!!I wish I could say that I went to a weaving workshop, or a sockknitting machine workshop, but.... I can't. What I did do and continue to work on is take some days to spend with the families of each son. Couple days here, couple of days there. It was an enjoyable time. Gosh do those people eat. Gained 10 pounds in one week, eating myself round.....ok rounder. Now that I am home, I get to finish some well deserved projects at home too. What I was able to accomplish during all the traveling was some spinning on my spindles. I took two zip lock bags full of fiber and two different spindles, (they travel so nicely), and here is what I was able to do.

First is some yarn from my Shetland ram Valentine. I want to make this into a rug, so I have been trying to spin it a bit thicker than I normally do. That's difficult to do when you have a learned to spin finer and finer. I also think it is interesting that the colors are different. In the fibery fluff form they didn't look all that different.
Next is some of the finer stuff for a pair of socks this winter

. Mocha socks? This wool is also Shetland wool, from one of my ewes. I have not plied it yet. I am contemplating mixing some of it with the fiber from my Ginny dog and create my long awaited for Ginny Dog socks. Time will tell, certainly, I have enough of Mocha fiber to do both. I love the, traveling nostepinne, which I don't use correctly, but it works.