We Got Babies!

This seasons of new kids and lambs has started. Silver was first as usual, May 8, 2008 and again she had twins, but rejected the white one. Prejudice goat! I think I can say that, this is the 3rd year she has done it. I'm not a very good goat momma and I've not been able to save them. This year I was away when she had them and when I came home I found a dead little white doeling, and she was nursing the heck out of the little bager face buckling, who was obviously smaller and I assume weaker.
Next was Goldie, twin sister to Silver, and she too had little badger face babies. But she had two little doelings.

, May 14, 2008.
Then Dot, one of my shetland ewes had her baby the same day, about an hour later. I didn't even know she was in labor. Look at this little ewe lamb cutie.
At 6:55 AM,
Michelle said…
Another Shetland breeder's blog to add to the list! You've been blogging for awhile, I see. When I have time, I'll start at the beginning. Nice to make your "blogquaintance;" feel free to visit Boulderneigh. :-)
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