What a wonderful time I had at the Winter Retreat. The only thing that would have made it better was not having to be late because I had to shovel out a foot of snow around my house. ARGGGG!
I was able to finish this yarn. This is the black fiber I have been spinning and I have plyed it with some of the mohair from our goats. This is headed your way Sis.
Here are some of the prizes I received at the retreat. Hauled quite a stash.

The Sage Faulkland, right was dyed while I was at the Retreat. The mystery Brown fiber is some sort of wool.

Couldn't wait to start spinning this fiber, the colors are different, but I like it. The brown fiber reminds me of maybe Shetland or Alpaca blended with something. The fibers are long and don't have the springy feel of wool. Should be interesting to spin.

Last but not least is a pretty yellow box to hold a spindle and fiber or knitting needles. I think I will use it to hold the needles.
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